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Google Analytics Configuration Alternative

This configuration alternative is used when hit google analytics is not running on badaso linky theme.

  1. In .env add new configuration on MIX_ANALYTICS_TRACKING_ID key
  2. In resources/views create a folder named partials
  3. In the resources/views/partials folder create a blade file with the name google-analytics.blade.php with the following contents:
$measurement_id = env('MIX_ANALYTICS_TRACKING_ID', null);
// output : UA-2155XXXXX-X

<!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->
<script async src="{{ "{$measurement_id}" }}"></script>
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];

function gtag() {
gtag('js', new Date());
gtag('config', '{{ $measurement_id }}');

// record location analytics
let href = window.location.href
setInterval(() => {
let listenHref = window.location.href
if (listenHref != href) {
let page_title = document.title
let {
href: page_location,
pathname: page_path
} = window.location
let configurationSet = {

gtag('config', '{{ $measurement_id }}', configurationSet);

href = listenHref
}, 1000);

  1. In resources/views create a folder named vendor/linky-theme
  2. Copy the vendor/badaso/linky-theme/src/resources/layout/app.blade.php file to the resources/views/vendor/linky-theme folder
  3. Calling resources/views/partials/google-analytics.blade.php in resources/views/vendor/linky-theme/app.blade.php
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">


<!-- Google Analytics -->
<!-- End Google Analytics -->

